Your soon-to-be favorite resource that you'll want to keep reading.
The reason you're feeling overwhelmed is the same reason I did when I first started planning our family trips: because the advice feels endless.
But like all your other jobs - mother, personal chef, playdate coordinator - you are the best person to plan your vacation. Not me, not a travel agent, not your Disney-loving friend (bless her), just you.
Here's my big secret: your vacation isn't going to be *magical* because of where you're going, it's because your family is going to make it that way.
And when you DO get overwhelmed, I'll be here to help. If you have a question, just ask. Because my superpower is knowing not only my family - but the most magical place on Earth, too.
These aren’t just memories for your kids, they’re YOUR memories, too.
You’re going to look at that picture of them covered in chocolate (did you even give them chocolate?) and I'll bet big money you’re NOT going to say “man, I regret that trip.”
I believe you're the best person to plan your vacation because you know your family. Not the internet, not me.
Setting an intention and asking yourself "would this make my trip worthwhile?" can take you from overwhelm to crystal clear planning.